
Publications based on the activities of the Nordic Arboretum Committee (NAU)

Rysin, Sergei 2016. Article about 2016 NAU meeting in Sweden, – Botanic Gardens Conservation International. – In Russian.

Kumpula, Paula 2008. Amurinmaalaisten ja eteläkorealaisten puuvartisten kasvien menestyminen Oulun kasvitieteellisessä puutarhassa 1981-2004 sekä kantojen koristekäyttöarvo (Woody plants from Amur and South Korea Expedition in the botanical garden of Oulu 1981-2004: thriving and suitability to use as horticultural plants.). – Oulun yliopisto, Biologian laitos. 57 p. – In Finnish.

Leverenz, Jerry W. 2007. The NAU collecting expeditions to Korea and Japan in 1976. Plant introduction, distribution and survival. – Dansk Dendrologisk Årsskrift 25: 5-102. – In English.

Linden, Leena & Siuruainen, Mirja 2007. Pohjoismainen arboretumtoimikunta Grönlannissa (The Nordic Arboretum Committee in Greenland). – Sorbifolia 38(3) 2007:116-127. ISSN 0359-3568. – In Finnish.

Leverenz, Jerry & Christensen, Knud Ib 2004. Inauguration of Arboretum Groenlandicum (Kalaallit Nunaata Orpiuteqarfia) on August 2, 2004. – Dansk Dendrologisk Årsskrift 22: 16-34. – In English

Salvesen, P.H. 2004. Trær og busker fra Øst-Asia i Arboretet på Milde. – Årringen 2004: 4-24. – In Norwegian.

Mackenzie, James 2002. The Shetland Isles in the Nordic Context. – The International Plant Propagators’ Society, Combined Proceedings 52: 249-252. ISSN 0538-9143.

Søndergaard, Poul 1997. Nordisk arboretsamarbejde i 25 år – Dansk Dendrologisk Årsskrift 15: 95-98. – In Danish.

Isoaho, Sirkka 1981: Amurinmaalaista ja eteläkorealaista alkuperää olevien puuvartisten kasvilajien levinneisyydestä ja menestymisestä Suomessa (The woody expedition material from Amur and South Korea in Finland: where the material was distributed to and how it has thrived in Finland). – Oulun yliopisto, Kasvitieteen laitos. 111 p. – In Finnish.

Hagman, M, L. Feilberg, T. Lagerström, J.E. Sanda 1978. The Nordic Arboretum Expedition to South Korea 1976. Department of Forest genetics, Forest Research Institute, Helsinki, Finland, 102 pp. – In English.

Nitzelius, T., R. Bengtsson, F.G. Christensen and M. Sandvik 1978. The Nordic Arboretum Expedition to Japan 1976. Botanical Garden, Gothenburg, Sweden, 44 pp. – In English.

Søndergaard, P., T. Benedikz, R. Bengtsson, M. Hagman, T. Nitzelius, O. Reisæter, B. Søegaard, P.M.A. Tigerstedt, P. Wendelbo, S. Ødum 1977. Nordisk Arboretssmarbeide 1972-1977 rapport om resultater etter de förste fem år. (Nordic Arboetum co-operation 1972-1977, report on the first five years’ results). 46 pp.